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Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States. Before becoming president, he served seats in Congress and remained well known for his position in the military where he led armies to one successful battle after another, including the Battle of New Orleans. Through his success as both a military and congressman, Andrew Jackson was known across the country before he ran for the position of President of the United States.
Once in the office, Andrew Jackson made several decisions and had a few beliefs that kept him in the mind of many. For example, he believed in expanding the power of the president because the president reflected what the people wanted, and had the people’s best interests at heart. While some supported this belief and the expansion of power, some did not. For ever person that believed the president supported the people, there was another one that believed it should be up to the people, not the president.
What are the Best Andrew Jackson Books to read?
Andrew Jackson led a very interesting, inspirational life. While shopping for the best books on Andrew Jackson, it’s important to make sure that the text covers a period of his life that you are interested in learning about. It’s also important to make sure that the book comes from a reputable author. These are 20 of the best books on Andrew Jackson.
Best Books on Andrew Jackson: Our Top 20 Picks
Here are some of the best Andrew Jackson books that you can consider to expand your knowledge on the subject:
1. Andrew Jackson and The Miracle of New Orleans
Andrew Jackson was known for many things, one of which was the Battle of New Orleans. This battle helped make Andrew Jackson more well-known than he already was and shaped the history of the United States. This book covers a complete history of the Battle of New Orleans, from who the men were in each opposing army to how the fight was won.
Learn how an undefeated army stood opposite an army that was comprised of dockmen, field workers, army recruits, and random townspeople only to lose under one of the best commands at the time in this compelling book that will educate you about not only the battle but the men that were behind the battle. It will take you to a time that remains a fascination to many without boring you with a significantly long introduction. Instead, it remains interesting from the first page all the way to the last.
- Authors: Brian Kilmeade (Author), Don Yaeger (Author)
- Publisher: Sentinel; Reprint Edition (October 23, 2018)
- Pages: 304 pages
2. American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House
Andrew Jackson came from nothing. As an orphan, he had to fight his way to the top, both literally and figuratively. His story is an inspiring tale of courage, bravery, trials, and love. Not only did he make a connection to the people as their president, but he also made several decisions that had a significant impact on the United States as a country.
This text covers Andrew Jackson as a president, such as those decisions that he made. Then, it takes things a step further by sharing more personal details of his life and his presidency. Learn who his inner circle was, who helped him make decisions, about the women in his life and much more through personal letters that are now available to the public, this text, and interviews. Readers that want to learn more about the man behind the presidency that left a mark on US history will enjoy learning those extra details.
- Authors: Jon Meacham (Author)
- Publisher: Random House; 1st Edition (November 11, 2008)
- Pages: 512 pages
3. Andrew Jackson: His Life and Times
Andrew Jackson: His Life and Times covers everything that the reader needs to know about the seventh president of the United States. The author takes his time explaining the sometimes troubling childhood of Andrew Jackson. He covers what his life was like growing up, and what led him to join the armed forces.
After that, the author continues with text regarding some of his trials and tribulations as the president. Although the text does not cover his entire presidency, it does highlight most of the notable events that Andrew Jackson has become known for. Those that are interested in a brief overview of the presidency will appreciate this. Readers that would prefer a comprehensive overview of this time in his life might want to pick up another book in place of or in addition to this text.
- Authors: H. W. Brands (Author)
- Publisher: Doubleday; 1st Edition (October 4, 2005)
- Pages: 620 pages
4. Jacksonland
Most know of President Andrew Jackson as an orphan, as a leader in the Battle of New Orleans and of a president that led the nation, but this book covers a darker aspect of his history: his part in the Trail of Tears. When nations of Indians were forced from their land and onto Indian Reservations, it was a dark time for the United States. The details are horrific, unsettling and leave most in tears themselves.
This text focuses on two key players of the time: Andrew Jackson and Chief John Ross, a Cherokee Indian Chief. It tells of their part during this tragic time. The one thing that makes this author stand out from others is that he seems to remain unbiased towards either person as he tells the facts of this brutal history.
- Authors: Steve Inskeep (Author)
- Publisher: Penguin Books; Reprint Edition (May 17, 2016)
- Pages: 464 pages
5. The Life of Andrew Jackson
This book focuses on the life of Andrew Jackson, from his temperament as a child through his time in the armed forces and into his presidency. It takes the time to explain not only who Andrew Jackson was as a child and the things that he went through, but also how he seemed to think. Readers will learn about his temper, how mischievous he was, and other interesting details that shed light on why he was the way he was.
Further text details his time in the armed forces, such as his role in the famous Battle of New Orleans. Then, it focuses on his life as a president. The author firmly believes that Jackson was the first true Democratic president that truly put the needs of the people first. Not only does the author focus on this point, but they also make a sound argument as to why it is true as they explore the presidency.
- Authors: Robert V. Remini (Author)
- Publisher: Harper Perennial; Illustrated Edition (September 13, 2011)
- Pages: 464 pages
6. Battle of New Orleans
This book highlights the Battle of New Orleans as the first victory of Andrew Jackson, and of the United States against armed British forces. It is the single battle that helped the United States work further towards independence and propelled Andrew Jackson towards a career in both the military and politics as one of the nation’s most well-known leaders.
The text takes an in-depth look at various aspects of the battle, such as who made up the American army and the role of the pirates in defeating the British army. It explores several smaller details of the Battle of New Orleans, showing the reader how one thing impacted another, and how it has affected history. This book does not focus on the War of 1812 as a whole or other parts of the life of Andrew Jackson. Instead, it tends to focus more on the Battle of New Orleans, which includes Andrew Jackson.
- Authors: Robert V. Remini (Author)
- Publisher: Penguin Books; Illustrated Edition (May 1, 2001)
- Pages: 256 pages
7. Patriotic Fire
Patriotic Fire tells the stories of how Andrew Jackson and Jean Laffite were able to defeat the British invasion at New Orleans. It starts from the beginning of why there was an invasion, tells the reader about the situation, such as how all the odds were stacked against these two, and then dives into the battle itself.
Learn about what the United States Army consisted of during this battle, such as how it wasn’t the armed forces. Instead, every man that could fight was ready to take on the British and defend their country. Readers will also learn about the British army, such as important facts like them being the ones to beat Napoleon. Together, a self-taught orphan and a rebel pirate brought together an army that history would never forget. The stories of this battle remain fascinating to this day.
- Authors: Winston Groom (Author)
- Publisher: Knopf; First Edition (May 2, 2006)
- Pages: 320 pages
8. The Birth of Modern Politics
This book is an overview of Andrew Jackson going against John Quincy Adams in the 1828 presidential election. This election was considered a hot spot in American politics as these two were both on opposite ends of the spectrum, leaving the nation heated and divided as they pitted against each other in an effort to take a new path with a truly democratic president or remain on the same one.
Readers will enjoy an unbiased review of both presidents, the entire election, and what led to Andrew Jackson becoming the president. This book does not thoroughly cover other aspects of Andrew Jackson’s life, such as his childhood, his time at war, the Trail of Tears or his time in Congress. It makes a nice addition to other books for those that are interested in learning more about the seventh president of the United States.
- Authors: Lynn Hudson Parsons (Author)
- Publisher: Oxford University Press; Reprint Edition (July 19, 2011)
- Pages: 288 pages
9. Andrew the Great
This book focuses on many things about Andrew Jackson. It is designed to let the reader know that there is a lot more to this man than a possibly troubled youth and his role in the Trail of Tears. It teaches the reader interesting things about Andrew Jackson, such as him paying off the national debt while in office. The text also tells of many other things that he accomplished during his presidency that are not commonly known. The author strives to educate the reader on many of the achievements of the seventh president of the United States.
The author discovers and corrects common misconceptions that are taught in schools and widely believed by the public, such as that the Battle of New Orleans was unnecessary. This is the same style that he uses to educate the reader about Andrew Jackson. Those that would like to learn more about this man or uncover the truth about him will enjoy this text.
- Authors: M S King (Author)
- Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (March 12, 2018)
- Pages: 180 pages
10. A Being So Gentle
So many people know the stories of Andrew Jackson in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812 and the Trail of Tears. Even more know about his acts as the seventh president of the United States. There are few that know about his marriage to his beautiful wife Rachel.
This text tells the love story of Rachel and Andrew Jackson. It tells of the challenges that Rachel faced as she was married to a war general, which left her to run the plantation, take care of children, and much more while he was away. It also tells of her tragic passing just weeks after her husband was elected president of the United States. This is a story that tells of a beautiful, gentle side to both history and Andrew Jackson. He was not always busy killing people or running the country.
- Authors: Patricia Brady (Author)
- Publisher: St. Martin’s Press (January 4, 2011)
- Pages: 273 pages
11. Hardened to Hickory
This book tells of one of the most important chapters of the life of Andrew Jackson, and one that is often left out of the history books: the War of 1812. Andrew Jackson was a soldier in this war and made his mark in history during this time. He was already a proven leader and made sure that his fellow men were well taken care of.
One of the most notable things that he did was give his horse to another man, which left him to walk the majority of the 450 miles left on the trek. Learn about this and many more of the things that helped shape Andrew Jackson into the person and president that he soon became in Hardened to Hickory. This book does not focus on his childhood, attitude, the Trail of Tears or his presidency as other books do. Instead, it focuses on this one period of his life.
- Authors: Tony L. Turnbow (Author)
- Publisher: Tony L. Turnbow (September 17, 2018)
- Pages: 602 pages
12. In Defense of Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson is known for many great things, but he is also hated for many things. Some people would like to have him removed from the twenty-dollar bill due to his participation in the Trail of Tears, his brutality at times, and due to him previously owning slaves. There is a dark side to Andrew Jackson that leaves many people appalled. This text seeks to set the record straight.
In Defense of Andrew Jackson uses letters and personal diaries as evidence to delve deep into the personality of Andrew Jackson, exposing who he truly was. To many, this man was not a monster. He was a wonderful president and the first true democratic president of the United States. The author proves time and time again what a wonderful person this man was. Readers that are interested in this controversy will appreciate hearing from this side as well as the other side.
- Authors: Bradley J. Birzer (Author)
- Publisher: Regnery History (September 11, 2018)
- Pages: 175 pages
13. Who Was Andrew Jackson?
Andrew Jackson was a man of many layers. He helped order the Indians off of their land and onto the reservations. However, he also adopted an orphan Indian child as his own son. He was an orphan growing up, yet overcame the odds to be rich and successful. He was a man that was full of pure love and beastly brutality at the same time. For every person that loved him, there was another one that hated him. This book captures the many sides of Andrew Jackson perfectly to show readers who he truly was. There are also several illustrations in color that the reader can use for reference as they read through this book.
This book was designed to be easy to read, making it perfect for children that need to learn about Andrew Jackson, or that simply want to. The information about the battles is not too gruesome, either.
- Authors: Douglas Yacka (Author), Who HQ (Author), Jake Murray (Illustrator)
- Publisher: Penguin Workshop; Dgs Edition (July 4, 2017)
- Pages: 112 pages
14. Andrew Jackson: The Course of American Empire
This is the first of three volumes to this collection. It covers 1767-1821, a crucial period for Andrew Jackson. As you read through this biography you will discover things that you never knew about him, such as his troubling childhood. His story is not a sad one, though. Instead, it is one of pure inspiration.
Andrew Jackson grew up an orphan, joined the armed forces and displayed exceptional leader skills. He was largely known for his disturbing role in the Trail of Tears, but also became known for his exceptional leadership in the Battle of New Orleans. This man went on to become the seventh president of the United States, making him one of the few presidents that the people loved both whiles in office and after office.
- Authors: Prof Robert V. Remini (Author)
- Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press; Illustrated Edition (March 5, 1998)
- Pages: 544 pages
15. Andrew Jackson and the Bank War
The war against the Bank was of such magnitude that it shook the nation. The Bank was up against plenty of urban workers and farmers, and then Jackson joined in the fight to help the people. Not only did he fight the war as he did many other battles in his lifetime, he fought for the people. Once the war was over, he made several changes to the executive branch of the government that we still see today.
The text reviews the problems with the Bank that people were angry about and informs the reader as to why there was a war. Then, it goes on to tell about key players and actions that led to the winning of the war. This book does not tell the reader about the history of Andrew Jackson, though.
- Authors: Robert V. Remini (Author)
- Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company; 2nd Edition (November 17, 1967)
- Pages: 192 pages
16. Andrew Jackson: A Captivating Guide
This book covers a great deal about Andrew Jackson. Learn about things that most people have never read before, such as him being shot and having to live the rest of his life with the bullet still in him. This guide is full of interesting facts about the president to keep you entertained.
A Captivating Guide is more than just random trivia facts about the seventh president of the United States. It also covers his life, from his complex, traumatizing childhood all the way through his presidency. Some areas it skims over, but readers that are interested in learning more can browse through this list of books to find more that touch on specific topics pertaining to Andrew Jackson. Readers will learn more than enough about him to hold a conversation and determine whether they are interested in learning more about this controversial man.
- Authors: Captivating History (Author)
- Publisher: Captivating History (February 17, 2020)
- Pages: 78 pages
17. Andrew Jackson: Symbol for an Age
This book is not like other books on Andrew Jackson in many ways. First, it is not a biography of the man. It does not tell stories of his childhood, etc. Instead, this book tells about the era in which Andrew Jackson was born. It tells of the way that things were, and what the United States needed as a nation.
Then, the text goes on to state how Andrew Jackson became a symbol for that era. He became a symbol of fighting, of bravery and of freedom. This war hero was more than just another general fighting, he became a general, and later a president, of the people due to what he represented. Those that want to learn more about the time period of Andrew Jackson and key factors that led to people wanting to follow him will enjoy this material.
- Authors: John William Ward (Author)
- Publisher: Oxford University Press (December 31, 1962)
- Pages: 298 pages
18. Andrew Jackson vs. Henry Clay
A book that helps the reader compare and contrast Andrew Jackson as well as Henry Clay. Both these men had a significant impact on the economy as well as democracy itself. This book reviews both of their accomplishments, as well as some things that history is not so proud of, such as their involvement in the trail of tears.
Half of this book is dedicated to evidence of various things pertaining to Andrew Jackson and Henry Clay. There are letters, newspaper clippings, journal entries and more. Readers that would like to see the credibility of the stories provided will especially appreciate this part of the book.
It is important to note that despite this book being about Andrew Jackson it is not a full biography. Instead, it covers key points in his life that will be of interest to the reader.
- Authors: Harry L. Watson (Author)
- Publisher: Bedford/St. Martin’s; Illustrated Edition (March 15, 1998)
- Pages: 283 pages
19. Andrew Jackson: Getting to Know the US Presidents
This book covers the highlights of Andrew Jackson’s life, including some of his battles, in a child-friendly manner. The cartoons and illustrations make it easier for young minds to understand and relate to the material. A limited vocabulary ensure that children can understand what they read as well. Some parents might need to explain certain words to younger children, but most eight-year-olds will be able to understand the content fine.
The book is thin when compared to most other biographies, but that makes it all more appropriate for children with a short attention span. The combination of age-appropriate humor, cartoons, and interesting facts provides both entertainment and education to young minds.
The text could serve as a resource for a report due to the educational component that it provides, or as a way to help children learn more about the history of the United States.
- Authors: Mike Venezia (Author, Illustrator)
- Publisher: Children’s Press (September 1, 2005)
- Pages: 32 pages
20. The Rise of Andrew Jackson
This book provides a new take on an old tale. Everyone knows that Andrew Jackson became popular after the Battle of New Orleans was won, but this book takes a closer look at that win, and at his victory during the election. The author claims that Andrew Jackson was a man of many flaws that was painted flawless to the people. He became what they wanted and needed as a president. The inner circle of Andrew Jackson manipulated every outlet that they could with smear campaigns and positive campaigns about Jackson to win over the vote of the people.
Not only does this book explain how Andrew Jackson accomplished this, but it also makes it clear how this same procedure has been used to manipulate the public ever since. Readers can easily make comparisons to the politics of then and now with this book.
- Authors: David S. Heidler (Author), Jeanne T. Heidler (Author)
- Publisher: Basic Books; Illustrated Edition (October 23, 2018)
- Pages: 448 pages
Choosing the Best Andrew Jackson Books
Andrew Jackson was many things. He was a man with a quick temper, a lot of love, and superior leadership skills that no man could rival at the time. He was an easy choice for the president and was loved by the people of the United States. Then, there was the darker side to Andrew Jackson as well. Learn about every side of him through these books. There are books available for children that are able to read as well as adults on a variety of topics pertaining to Andrew Jackson to guarantee that there is something here for everyone.