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Management is an essential part of any job. Managers are often the ones who set up the schedules, meetings, and assign the work that needs to get done. There are also other kinds of management. Classroom management is so important in school. Without it, school would be chaos, The kids would never know when to sit down, or what they were learning.
What are the Best Management Books to read?
The same goes for jobs in grocery stores. Managers have to figure out inventory for items, as well as money. All in all, management is an important component of any business or corporation. Adequate management can be detrimental to whether a business succeeds or fails. However, those in these positions should not feel stressed about whether or not they can do a good job. The books listed below will help managers of all kinds.
Best Management Books: Our Top 20 Picks
Here are some of the best management books that you can consider to expand your knowledge on the subject:
1. Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action
It seems that everyone has had an awful boss, but few have had great ones. That’s why, when one has an incredible manager, they stand out. Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek is a book that encourages employees, employers, and managers to search for inspiration at work. Sinek wrote this book as a follow up to his Ted Talk. His talk was successful and thought-provoking, so he wrote a book under the same subject. With this book, Sinek teaches anyone and everyone to become a great leader. Yes. This book is instead for leaders in the workforce, but it can be applied to everyday life. Even a school project leader could learn from this book. Sinek is inspiring and interesting. He makes quality arguments about being a good leader, because he himself is one.
- Authors: Simon Sinek (Author)
- Publisher: Portfolio; Illustrated Edition (October 29, 2009)
- Pages: 256 pages
2. Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t
Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t by Simon Sinek is a book that puts the workers first. Those in management should know how to manage their employees, and make sure they know how valuable they are. In this book, Sinek says, “Great leaders sacrifice their own comfort – even their own survival – for the good of those in their care.” The companies that focus on teamwork instead of self-interest will thrive. This is the prime lesson taught in this book. In this book, Sinek teaches cooperation and trust within companies. He provides examples of this lesson through the perspective of others. Leaders who have seen success by implementing kindness and thoughtfulness share some of their own stories in this book– from military leaders to big businesses.
- Authors: Simon Sinek (Author)
- Publisher: Portfolio; Reprint, Revised Edition (May 23, 2017)
- Pages: 368 pages
3. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge by Project Management Institute is on its six edition. This book discusses many aspects of business. The emphasis of this book is on strategic knowledge and on business knowledge. There is great information on business documents and essential skills in management. Another important aspect of this book is the PMI Talent Triangle. The PMI Talent Triangle is made up of three sides: leadership, technical project management, and strategic and business management. This book is full of lots of great business techniques, tricks, and tips. The big issue with this book, however, is that it is physically hard to read. The text is printed on grey paper, so it blends in with the pages. The content is there, but the pages are pretty difficult to read and may not be worth the money.
- Authors: Project Management Institute
- Publisher: Project Management Institute; Sixth Edition, Sixth edition (September 22, 2017)
- Pages: 756 pages
4. The New One Minute Manager
Because so many jobs require some form of management, there is no specific wrong or right way to manage. There are many ways of managing that are successful, and many that are not. The New One Minute Manager Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson helps readers strengthen their professional and personal lives. The book is told in a story-like format to make it more interesting and appealing to readers. Even though the original edition of this book was written 30 years ago, it’s highly relevant to today. Anyone in a management position can benefit from this book. Even though different jobs require different management skills, the tools in this book can be used universally. The book contains three specific sections that describe various techniques that can help anyone improve their management skills in just one minute.
- Authors: Ken Blanchard (Author), Spencer Johnson M.D. (Author)
- Publisher: William Morrow; 1st Edition (May 5, 2015)
- Pages: 112 pages
5. High Output Management
Management, when done effectively, can be what makes a company succeed. High Output Management by Andrew S. Grove discusses how to effect manage a new business. The first few months of a business are an important key to making the most of a company. Great managers can be the difference in a company thriving or failing The techniques listed in this book discuss methods of motivation, ideas successful CEOs have used, ideas for making the most of production teams and employees, and more. The content in this book is great for managers, yes, but it can also be beneficial to teachers, accountants, CEOs, and consultants. This book is easy to understand. Grove teaches how to properly manage life and work with simple tools and techniques.
- Authors: Andrew S. Grove (Author)
- Publisher: Vintage; 2nd Edition (August 29, 1995)
- Pages: 272 pages
6. The Power of Positive Leadership: How and Why Positive Leaders Transform Teams and Organizations and Change the World
There has also been a strong debate about whether positive or negative reinforcement works better. The Power of Positive Leadership: How and Why Positive Leaders Transform Teams and Organizations and Change the World by Jon Gordon explains why positive leadership is a more effective tool. Employees react better to positive feedback instead of discipline. If they know that work they are doing is being cherished, they’ll want to do even better. By being a positive leader, people can build culture, how an organization grows, and succeed in business and in life. There aren’t necessarily tools and techniques in this book. Instead, Gordon uses facts and research to encourage readers to be the positive leaders they always wanted. This is quite the cheery book. It’s positive message makes a simple, fun read with a refreshing take on business.
- Authors: Jon Gordon (Author)
- Publisher: Wiley; 1st Edition (April 24, 2017)
- Pages: 208 pages
7. The Making of a Manager: What to Do When Everyone Looks to You
The Making of a Manager: What to Do When Everyone Looks to You by Julie Zhuo is a simple guide that teaches readers how to become great leaders within their jobs and companies. There are a number of topics that need to be considered after accepting a management job. There are: meetings, messages, new hires and people to fire, planning, extra organizing and more. A manager is the person employees lean in. They need support and structure. This guide teaches readers how to be better than the average manager, how to work through the interview process, how to build trust with employees, and how to pick oneself up when a day isn’t what they expected. This is a truly uplighting book for new managers, and for advanced managers.
- Authors: Julie Zhuo (Author)
- Publisher: Portfolio; Illustrated Edition (March 19, 2019)
- Pages: 288 pages
8. Sales Management Simplified: The Straight Truth About Getting Exceptional Results from Your Sales Team
Managing a sales team can be difficult. If one person on the sale’s team does a bad job, then the whole team could be below quota. Sales Management Simplified: The Straight Truth About Getting Exceptional Results from Your Sales Team by Mike Weinberg can help sales managers make their teams sales thrive and succeed. The book has a number of lessons that will help all salespeople succeed. Lessons in this book include: setting up a framework for leadership, implementing a healthy sales culture, getting a great compensation package, conducting productive meetings, and so much more. New sales managers will learn to treat their sales team with trust and respect. They’ll learn how to manage in a positive manner, instead of in a disciplinary one.
- Authors: Mike Weinberg (Author)
- Publisher: AMACOM; First Edition (October 21, 2015)
- Pages: 224 pages
9. Project Management for The Unofficial Project Manager
Big projects can be difficult to manage. Large parts may be put into play, as well as temporary workers, and deadlines. Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager by Kory Kogan, Suzette Blakemore, and James Wood is a book that teaches practical information on project management. The process in this book has five components: initiate, plan, execute, monitor/control, and close. This helps readers manage their projects well. They’ll first learn how to take charge in the workplace. Then they’ll learn how to plan out the project, and give each person their correct position. The next part is “execute.” This is simply executing the plan in the right way. The method of this plan is simple and straight-forward. Anyone can manage a project after reading this book.
- Authors: Kory Kogon (Author), Suzette Blakemore (Author), James Wood (Author)
- Publisher: FranklinCovey; 1st Edition (April 7, 2015)
- Pages: 256 pages
10. It’s the Manager: Gallup Finds the Quality of Managers and Team Leaders is the Single Biggest Factor in your Organization’s Long-term Success
It’s the Manager: Gallup Finds the Quality of Managers and Team Leaders in the Single Biggest Factor in Your Organization’s Long-Term Success by Jim Clifton and Jim Harter a book that comes from Gallup’s largest study. The book is packed full of 52 discoveries about the future of work. This book teaches organizations to change rapidly. The lessons in this book help with workplace demands, managing remote employees, setting up a diverse workforce, understanding and working with the rise in artificial intelligence, and so much more. This text can be paired with Gallup online. The website includes additional information on the subject, tools for business, and assessments for testing what has been learned from this book. This is a wonderful book for learning about business, as well as teaching it. There are so many great details, and it is well-organized, too.
- Authors: Jim Clifton (Author), Jim Harter (Author)
- Publisher: Gallup Press; 1st Edition (May 7, 2019)
- Pages: 448 pages
11. The Essential HR Handbook
Human Resources is an important part of any job. They are the people that make sure that the job is safe, and is following protocol. It may not be the most glamorous job in the world, but it is very important. Because of the rules that come with the job, employees may be quick to judge to talk back to HR Reps. The Essential HR Handbook by Sharon Armstorg and Barbara Mitchell discusses how HR Reps can properly manage employees and get the respect they deserve. The book is on its 10 anniversary edition, so many readers have learned a lot from it. There are many tools, checklists, samples, examples, and more listed in this book. There is so much to learn in this text. After reading it, HR Reps will want to start implementing the practices they learned immediately. The tips in this text will help those in Human Resources manage and get through and any and all personnel problems.
- Authors: Sharon Armstrong (Author), Barbara Mitchell (Author)
- Publisher: Weiser; Revised Edition (January 1, 2019)
- Pages: 256 pages
12. Management Mess to Leadership Success: 30 Challenges to Become the Leader You Would Follow
Every job or workplace has a leader or boss. They manage how the business is run, what work each individual has to do, and more. This can be a tricky task. Employees are unpredictable and easy to displease. Management Mess to Leadership Success: 30 Challenges to Become the Leader You Would Follow by Scott Jeffrey Miller teaches new leaders how to manage with confidence and strength. Instead of trying to figure leadership out of one’s own, ask for help. This book has 30 challenges and exercises that will teach people to be the best leader’s they can be. Miller is no stranger to failure. He was demoted from a job three weeks into it. He learned from his mistakes, and is now more successful than ever. He wants readers to have that same experience.
- Authors: Scott Jeffrey Miller (Author)
- Publisher: FranklinCovey (June 18, 2019)
- Pages: 256 pages
13. The First-Time Manager
The transition from employee to manager can be daunting. The First-Time Manager by Jim McCormick is a great guide for those who are starting their first job in management. It’s important to set out boundaries and determine what kind of manager one will be. Without setting down laws, employees will soon learn how to get what they want and take control. The topics discussed in this book are: hiring, leading meetings, listening, staying calm under pressure, motivation, and more. Every management problem one can think of is discussed in this book. The outline of this book makes management easy. This book is essentially a training session that can be taken on the go. There are numerous skills in this book that will make management smooth and simple.
- Authors: Jim McCormick (Author)
- Publisher: AMACOM; Seventh Edition (August 14, 2018)
- Pages: 306 pages
14. Everyone Deserves a Great Manager: The 6 Critical Practices for Leading a Team
What is the key to being a great manager and team leader? As a manager, how does one get their employees to trust them? These questions and more are addressed in Everyone Deserves a Great Manager: The 6 Critical Practices for Leading a Team by Scott Jeffrey Miller, Todd Davis, and Victoria Roos Olsson. The lessons in this book focus on leading oneself, teams, and other people. The tips taught in this book can be implemented in work and in everyday life. No matter what kind of leadership position a person is in, if they use the six critical practices in this book, they will succeed. This book doesn’t dawdle around possible issues in the workplace. It gets straight to the point and explains how to address any problems that could come up while in a leadership position.
- Authors: Scott Jeffrey Miller (Author), Todd Davis (Author), Victoria Roos Olsson (Author)
- Publisher: Simon & Schuster; Illustrated Edition (October 8, 2019)
- Pages: 208 pages
15. THE Classroom Management Book
Management is often associated with big corporations and businesses. But many other jobs and positions have to deal with management, too. THE Classroom Management Book by Harry K. Wong, Rosemary T. Wong, Sarah F. Jondahl, and Oreth F. Ferguson explains how to manage a classroom. Teachers will love this book because it’s efficient and effective. Kids are some of the most unpredictable humans. They don’t like to follow rules, especially in school. The authors of this book want teachers to be able to do what they were hired to do: teach. There are many great ideas in this book that teachers can practice in their own classroom. Some of the ideas in this book may work for them, while others may not. Teachers will be able to determine the best way to manage their class, and be better teachers for it.
- Authors: Harry K. Wong (Author), Rosemary T. Wong (Author), Sarah F. Jondahl (Author), Oretha F. Ferguson (Author), N/A (Illustrator)
- Publisher: Harry K. Wong Publications; 2nd Edition (August 8, 2018)
- Pages: 320 pages
16. Operations Management for Dummies
Operation Management for Dummies by Mary Ann Anderson, Dr.Edward Anderson, and Dr. Geoffrey Parker is a fairly straight-forward book that details operations management. Anyone interested in operations management can read this book. No experience is necessary for this book. The authors write this book in a simple, easy to read way. They want beginners to pick up this book, because those are the people they wrote it for. The skills taught in this book will help readers improve business operations, increase efficiency, and promote the job. This book has step-by-step directions that make managing operations seem like a cake walk. This is a wonderful read on a topic that is easy to learn about.
- Authors: Mary Ann Anderson (Author), Edward J. Anderson (Author), Geoffrey Parker (Author)
- Publisher: For Dummies; 1st Edition (July 29, 2013)
- Pages: 384 pages
17. Management
One of the most important lessons a business student can learn is management. Management by Richard L. Daft is the perfect book for this. The book recently released its 12th edition. This is a textbook that is great for teaching businesses class, particularly beginner classes. Even though most students won’t jump straight into management positions following graduation, they’ll likely hold that title in the future. Innovation is the main topic in this book. Daft teachers readers to look beyond the ordinary techniques and get creative. This book is so easy to read. The language is simple and interesting. This is a wonderful text for college students, as well as high school students. The ideas in this book are easy to understand. They teach readers businesses in an exciting and engaging way.
- Authors: Richard L. Daft (Author)
- Publisher: Cengage Learning; 12th Edition (January 1, 2015)
- Pages: 800 pages
18. Time Management in 20 Minutes a Day: Simple Strategies to Increase Productivity, Enhance Creativity, and Make Your Time Your Own
Getting work done is less about actually doing the work, and more about making the time for it. Time Management in 20 Minutes a Day: Simple Strategies to Increase Productivity, Enhance Creativity, and Make Your Time Your Own by Holly Reisem Hanna will help readers manage their time by simply forfeiting 20 minutes a day. Readers will learn how to manage their time quickly. Why spend lots of time learning about time management, when that in itself is wasting time? This book has advice for managing time at home, in the office, and at school. By reading this book, people will get everything on their “to-do” list done, and more. The book is full of techniques for implementing time management and setting up a great schedule that works for the individual.
- Authors: Holly Reisem Hanna (Author)
- Publisher: Althea Press (July 2, 2019)
- Pages: 128 pages
19. The Amazon Management System: The Ultimate Digital Business Engine That Creates Extraordinary Value for Both Customers and Shareholders
Amazon is one of the most successful businesses. It sells products all over the world. Their business model is intelligent and prosperous. The Amazon Management System: The Ultimate Digital Business Engine That Creates Extraordinary Value for Both Customers and Shareholders by Ram Charan and Julia Yang is a management system that is based on Amazon’s business model. Charan and Yang teach readers the inside secrets of Amazon and why they are so successful. There are six building blocks included in the book. The block’s stand as chapters in this book. The blocks are: “customer-obsessed business model,” “continuous bar-rising talent pool,” “AI-Powered Data & Metrics Systems,” “Ground-breaking Invention Machine,” “High-Velocity and High Quality Decision Making,” and “A Forever One Day Culture.” These chapters focus on Amazon’s success in business and management, and how other companies can do the same thing. This is a wonderful read that helps readers understand how Amazon got to be the company it is.
- Authors: Ram Charan (Author), Julia Yang (Author)
- Publisher: Ideapress Publishing (December 10, 2019)
- Pages: 143 pages
20. Essentials of Inventory Management
Grocery stores, appliance stores, floral shops, and more have to make sure everything in their store is full-stocked and well-maintained. Inventory is important for a number of reasons; it makes sure nothing in the store has been stolen or broken. Essentials of Inventory Management by Max Muller will help readers learn how to manage inventory and ensure products are ready to sell. The lessons included in this book are: holding down costs, fixing supply chain problems, and projecting possible business needs. This book has examples, review questions, charts, formulas and more that will help managers with a number of problems. They will help them track inventory sheets, calculate gross profit, read balance sheets, and more. This is a wonderful book for those who manage big chain stores, to those who manage smaller local stores.
- Authors: Max Muller (Author)
- Publisher: HarperCollins Leadership; 3rd Edition (January 8, 2019)
- Pages: 272 pages
Choosing the Best Management Books
These books have amazing tips and tricks for management. This is important for making the most of a business, and making sure it succeeds. Management can effectively make a business thrive. Appropriately scheduling meetings, making time for employees, and managing with kindness, respect, and authority will help managers and businesses succeed. These are simply a few books on management, but there are plenty more that are just as helpful and as great as these.