Time is the most underrated commodity. We can never value enough time at hand. Most people think that they have time, and leave things for later. However, this is not a safe practice and to be successful in life. One should always value time above anything else. Time management is more of a habit that […]
20 Best Books on Reading Body Language (Psychology & Facial Expressions)
People talk using the words, yet it is the body language that defines their intent and what they feel like. While there are people who can lie while talking, or trying to hide their feelings. However, it is not easy for most to have such command over their body language. Body language tells you about […]
20 Best Books on Developing and Improving Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence is necessary for work, school, and home life. This is a skill that is often unnoticed, but is used in everyday life. Emotional intelligence helps salespeople make sales. Emotional intelligence helps new friends bond and communicate over their favorite movies, tv shows, and different aspects of life. What are the Best Emotional Intelligence […]